Desert Shine Jewelry on Etsy

Friday, December 24, 2010

Peace on Earth

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year.  Enjoy your family and friends tomorrow.  Lynne

Monday, December 20, 2010

Change is good...isn't it?

Today is one of those days when I struggle to remind myself why we moved away from our family and friends.  I think it's probably because my family is all gathering for Christmas parties and cookie exchanges and we're not there to join the fun.   I miss watching the Grandkids open their gifts and miss the smells of dinner preparations.  I miss hearing the guys yelling at the missed plays on TV football games and seeing friends that we don't often see during the rest of the year.

BUT, and this is where I give myself a reality check.  They're all stressed to the max trying to get everything done; they're madly cleaning house and putting out holiday silver and dishes; they're making sure they have enough chairs and tables for everyone.   They're balancing their checkbooks, making sure they aren't overspending and worrying they'll forget someone.  They're groaning at having to attend another work party with people they wouldn't necessarily associate with outside the workplace.

So, although I miss them terribly and could cry easily today, the rational part of me knows that I don't really want to be in the middle of the chaos.  Working full time while trying to get everything done in time for Christmas wasn't fun, especially the last few years.   I was tired all the time and couldn't wait for the time when I was living in sunny AZ and not having to do all that work.   My shopping was done early and packages were shipped.  I'm working on my new favorite piece of jewelry instead of worrying if I have enough plates for Christmas dinner.  So the adjustment continues...

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Etsy Treasury

Check out this Etsy Treasury created by Meredith Dada at  She makes beautiful french beaded flowers and gifts. She has graciously included my Hammered Sterling Earrings in the treasury below.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I reconnected with a friend last week.  Carey is one of my Weight Watchers buddies.  A couple of years ago we spent hours on the WW boards, comiserating on gains and cheering each other's losses.  I haven't visited the boards for a long time and I'm so glad she found me again.  She popped into my Etsy shop and went crazy, buying some of my favorite pieces (I know, I always say that.  But they ARE!) and contacting me with a request.

Carey inherited a boatload of stones and cabochons that her Grandfather had spent years cutting and polishing into beautiful pieces.  Carey asked me to wrap a few of them so she could give them to the Great Grandkids of her Grandfather.  What a great idea!  I felt very honored (and a little intimidated) to do it.  Here are the results.   Thanks for the great opportunity Carey and I'm glad we reconnected.
RESERVED - Vintage Wire Wrapped Marble PendantRESERVED - Copper Wire Wrapped Turquoise PendantRESERVED - Argentium Sterling Wire Wrapped Unakite Pendant
RESERVED - Gold Wire Wrapped Jade PendantHOLIDAY SALE RESERVED - Wire Wrapped Jade PendantRESERVED - Vintage Wire Wrapped Marble Pendant

Saturday, December 4, 2010

16th Annual Olde Fashioned Christmas

Had a great time today at the show over in Needles.  Met some awesome people and made some new friends.  Sold some of my favorite pieces.  I'm glad they're going to people who will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Contest Coming Soon!!!

Stay tuned.  I'll be having a contest soon.  You could win this necklace & earring set or one of my other pieces!   

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Organizing for Craft Shows

Okay, so I'm doing a craft show this weekend.  I never think I have much inventory until I start packing it all up.  Geesh!!!  There must be a better way to organize all of my jewelry.  I did read somewhere that a good way to pack display items is to leave them on the display and wrap them with that plastic shrink wrap like you'd use for your furniture when you move. 

Any other ideas?